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Common Causes of Water Damage


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Our Process for Expert Water Damage Restoration

Restoring your commercial building or home to its original condition usually involves several phases of water removal, decontamination, drying, and reconstruction. Through years of service, Pro Service Builders has constructed a trusted general process to repair and restore a water-damaged structure: 

Step 1:
Complete a full inspection.
Step 2:
Remove all water.
Step 3:
Thoroughly dry the area.
Step 4:
Clean and disinfect.
Step 5:

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Water Damage 101

The 3 Categories of Water

Three categories of water can damage your commercial or residential property. Some are more dangerous and destructive than others.

Category 1 “Clean Water” comes from a clean source like an overflowing sink or broken water pipe (not a sewage line). Though it might cause extensive damage, this category of water doesn’t pose any immediate health threat to people or pets because it is usually from a potable source.

Category 2 “Grey Water” contains contaminants and microorganisms that might make people sick if they ingest the water or endure long-term exposure. Grey water comes from dirty sources like broken sump pumps, overflowing toilets, and stormwater. You should avoid contact with grey water if possible. Cleaning grey water can require additional sanitization steps to keep everyone safe and healthy. Standing water that is not removed quickly can turn from category 1 to category 2.

Category 3 “Black Water” is the most dangerous and unsanitary water. It contains harmful bacteria and organisms that can make people and animals sick. Black water usually comes from sewage problems, slow floodwaters, and standing water. Cleaning damage caused by black water often requires extra sanitation steps to ensure health and safety. Common black water includes:

  • Any flood water
  • Raw Sewage
  • Water with bio hazard or chemicals
Levels of Water Damage

At Pro Service Builders, our water damage restoration experts categorize water damage into three distinct levels:

Category 1 Clean water damage: This is typically the easiest type of damage to restore because there’s no immediate threat from bacteria, organisms, and other contaminants. However, category 1 damage can still be costly and must be addressed immediately to prevent increased danger. 

Category 2 Grey water damage: This can occur from dirty washing machine water or dishwater. This water may contain detergents, bacteria, or urine from overflowing toilets. This category usually requires a more involved restoration process to clean contaminants. 

Category 3 Black water damage: This can easily cause sickness, disease, or even death if not addressed quickly and correctly. The water may contain sewage, river water, or standing water – all of which contain bacteria and microorganisms. This category is the most challenging to repair because extra precautions must be taken to eradicate all bacteria and contaminants. 

No matter the category, Pro Service Builders is ready to restore any type of residential or commercial property from water damage. Our experience and commitment to excellence means we will get the job done quickly and safely.

What to Do When You Discover Water Damage

Time is of the essence! If you discover water damage in your residence or commercial property, act quickly. Take these steps to stay safe and prevent further damage.

Contact Pro Service Builders commercial water damage restoration contractors: As soon as you discover water damage, contact our on-call emergency response team. We are ready, 24/7, to respond to any kind of water damage situation. The faster we can begin the drying and cleaning process, the easier it is to minimize the extent of the damage and cost of repairs.

Turn off electricity: If there is extensive water damage or standing water, do not step into the water because it might have damaged electrical wiring. Wet or damaged wires and plugs pose a serious risk of electric shock or fires. Carefully turn off the electricity and stay away from the flooded area. Wait for water damage restoration contractors to arrive and make sure your home is safe.

Turn off the water: If you know that your water damage is the result of a leak, and you know where your main water valve is located, turn that valve “off.” This will prevent increased leakage and contain some of the damage.

Carefully mop: Only do this if you know the water in question poses no threat of electrocution or is NOT black water. It’s best to wear gloves, masks, and other safety items to protect yourself during the water removal and water restoration process. Cleaning up as much water as possible may prevent the water from soaking into your walls, flooring, and other building materials – the presence of which can lead to dangerous mold. 

Begin removing personal or critical items: If there is no risk of electric shock and the water is not contaminated, begin removing personal belongings or any critical items to your organization. This can include rugs in a home or critical  paperwork / materials for a business. But do not remove wall-to-wall carpet without a professional. Pack any books tightly onto your bookshelves until the restoration team can begin the special drying process.

Wipe and lift: If you know the water involved is not contaminated, go ahead and wipe down any furniture it contacted. Also, put blocks or aluminum foil under furniture legs to prevent more damage. Move wet cushions, curtains, and other small, upholstered items to dry conditions

Open all drawers, closets, and cabinets: This will promote airflow. If it’s dry outside, consider opening all windows and doors to begin the evaporation process.

Above all, be safe: If there’s a chance the water might be contaminated, be very careful and avoid touching the water with bare skin. If there is ANY question, wait until professionals arrive.

What to Avoid in a Water Damage Situation

When it comes to water damage, the cleaning and restoration process is usually better left to professionals. Water easily hides in walls, flooring, and other building materials. It can be corrosive, and the true extent of the water damage might not be visible without the right tools and knowledge.

Never enter a room with standing water until the electricity is turned off. Also, avoid handling damaged wiring or appliances. You should also not use electrical appliances that are standing on wet or damp flooring, as they also pose a risk of fire or electrical shock. 

Never use a regular household vacuum cleaner to remove water. Our restoration team uses specialized vacuums that safely and more thoroughly remove standing water.

Be very careful not to disturb any visible mold. Mold spores and other allergens can travel long distances in the air and settle around your home. If that happens, it can lead to health issues and future mold problems. It’s better to leave the area and wait for our cleaning team to remove the mold safely. 

It’s best to leave any books in a water-damaged room on their shelves. Keeping books packed tightly on shelves helps with the restoration process.

Water Damage 101

Why is water damage so dangerous? Well, there are many reasons. From what water does to building materials to what’s in the water itself to what water leaves behind when dried, there are a host of reasons to be wary of any significant leak or flood in your home or office.

  • The 3 Categories of Water
  • Levels of Water Damage
  • What to Do When You Discover Water Damage
  • What to Avoid in a Water Damage Situation
The 3 Categories of Water

The 3 Categories of Water

Three categories of water can damage your commercial or residential property. Some are more dangerous and destructive than others.

Category 1 “Clean Water” comes from a clean source like an overflowing sink or broken water pipe (not a sewage line). Though it might cause extensive damage, this category of water doesn’t pose any immediate health threat to people or pets because it is usually from a potable source.

Category 2 “Grey Water” contains contaminants and microorganisms that might make people sick if they ingest the water or endure long-term exposure. Grey water comes from dirty sources like broken sump pumps, overflowing toilets, and stormwater. You should avoid contact with grey water if possible. Cleaning grey water can require additional sanitization steps to keep everyone safe and healthy. Standing water that is not removed quickly can turn from category 1 to category 2.

Category 3 “Black Water” is the most dangerous and unsanitary water. It contains harmful bacteria and organisms that can make people and animals sick. Black water usually comes from sewage problems, slow floodwaters, and standing water. Cleaning damage caused by black water often requires extra sanitation steps to ensure health and safety. Common black water includes:

  • Any flood water
  • Raw Sewage
  • Water with bio hazard or chemicals
Levels of Water Damage

Levels of Water Damage

At Pro Service Builders, our water damage restoration experts categorize water damage into three distinct levels:

Category 1 Clean water damage: This is typically the easiest type of damage to restore because there’s no immediate threat from bacteria, organisms, and other contaminants. However, category 1 damage can still be costly and must be addressed immediately to prevent increased danger. 

Category 2 Grey water damage: This can occur from dirty washing machine water or dishwater. This water may contain detergents, bacteria, or urine from overflowing toilets. This category usually requires a more involved restoration process to clean contaminants. 

Category 3 Black water damage: This can easily cause sickness, disease, or even death if not addressed quickly and correctly. The water may contain sewage, river water, or standing water – all of which contain bacteria and microorganisms. This category is the most challenging to repair because extra precautions must be taken to eradicate all bacteria and contaminants. 

No matter the category, Pro Service Builders is ready to restore any type of residential or commercial property from water damage. Our experience and commitment to excellence means we will get the job done quickly and safely.

What to Do When You Discover Water Damage

What to Do When You Discover Water Damage

Time is of the essence! If you discover water damage in your residence or commercial property, act quickly. Take these steps to stay safe and prevent further damage.

Contact Pro Service Builders commercial water damage restoration contractors: As soon as you discover water damage, contact our on-call emergency response team. We are ready, 24/7, to respond to any kind of water damage situation. The faster we can begin the drying and cleaning process, the easier it is to minimize the extent of the damage and cost of repairs.

Turn off electricity: If there is extensive water damage or standing water, do not step into the water because it might have damaged electrical wiring. Wet or damaged wires and plugs pose a serious risk of electric shock or fires. Carefully turn off the electricity and stay away from the flooded area. Wait for water damage restoration contractors to arrive and make sure your home is safe.

Turn off the water: If you know that your water damage is the result of a leak, and you know where your main water valve is located, turn that valve “off.” This will prevent increased leakage and contain some of the damage.

Carefully mop: Only do this if you know the water in question poses no threat of electrocution or is NOT black water. It’s best to wear gloves, masks, and other safety items to protect yourself during the water removal and water restoration process. Cleaning up as much water as possible may prevent the water from soaking into your walls, flooring, and other building materials – the presence of which can lead to dangerous mold. 

Begin removing personal or critical items: If there is no risk of electric shock and the water is not contaminated, begin removing personal belongings or any critical items to your organization. This can include rugs in a home or critical  paperwork / materials for a business. But do not remove wall-to-wall carpet without a professional. Pack any books tightly onto your bookshelves until the restoration team can begin the special drying process.

Wipe and lift: If you know the water involved is not contaminated, go ahead and wipe down any furniture it contacted. Also, put blocks or aluminum foil under furniture legs to prevent more damage. Move wet cushions, curtains, and other small, upholstered items to dry conditions

Open all drawers, closets, and cabinets: This will promote airflow. If it’s dry outside, consider opening all windows and doors to begin the evaporation process.

Above all, be safe: If there’s a chance the water might be contaminated, be very careful and avoid touching the water with bare skin. If there is ANY question, wait until professionals arrive.

What to Avoid in a Water Damage Situation

What to Avoid in a Water Damage Situation

When it comes to water damage, the cleaning and restoration process is usually better left to professionals. Water easily hides in walls, flooring, and other building materials. It can be corrosive, and the true extent of the water damage might not be visible without the right tools and knowledge.

Never enter a room with standing water until the electricity is turned off. Also, avoid handling damaged wiring or appliances. You should also not use electrical appliances that are standing on wet or damp flooring, as they also pose a risk of fire or electrical shock. 

Never use a regular household vacuum cleaner to remove water. Our restoration team uses specialized vacuums that safely and more thoroughly remove standing water.

Be very careful not to disturb any visible mold. Mold spores and other allergens can travel long distances in the air and settle around your home. If that happens, it can lead to health issues and future mold problems. It’s better to leave the area and wait for our cleaning team to remove the mold safely. 

It’s best to leave any books in a water-damaged room on their shelves. Keeping books packed tightly on shelves helps with the restoration process.

Have Questions?

How much does it cost to repair water damage?

Many factors impact the cost of water damage restoration, including the type of water that caused the damage, the extent of the damage, and whether there is mold or mildew present.

Clean water that comes from a burst pipe or rainwater is typically the most inexpensive to handle. On the other end of the spectrum, black water contaminated with biohazards and chemicals is the most expensive and difficult to clean up.

Another factor to consider is the size of the area and extent of the damage. If the restoration process only requires drying a small space, then the cost might be relatively low. If a lot of drywall, flooring, and other building material needs to be replaced, the price can go up quickly.

If the cleaning process requires mold remediation, that can drive the water damage restoration cost up even further.

Who should clean up water damage?

Because it is critical to make sure everything is thoroughly cleaned and dried, it’s best to hire professionals who have experience with commercial water damage restoration and the right equipment. 

Not all contractors have the experience or the equipment to do the job correctly. Choose a professional who has extensive water damage restoration training and uses the right equipment. 

Pro Service Builders uses advanced drying equipment to extract standing water and thoroughly dry the area. We also use sensors to make sure there is no hidden moisture left behind. When everything is dry, we use sanitizing and deodorizing equipment to ensure all the surfaces and affected belongings are clean and safe.

NOTE: Pro Service Builders is an IICRC-certified firm and our mitigation and leadership teams are IIRC-certified as well.

How long does it take to clean and “repair”?

When disaster strikes, we understand that your main priority is getting your property –  and your life – back to normal as quickly as possible. Our team will work as quickly and efficiently as possible to get the job done right and stay as close to the timeline and budget. Still, every restoration job will vary depending on the extent of the damage, what parts of the home were affected, how long the drying process takes, and other factors. While every restoration job is unique, many industry experts estimate it takes about 72 hours to dry one room and prepare it for reconstruction. Then, depending on the extent of the damage, it might take 1-3 weeks to complete the repairs per room.

If there is mold or mildew that needs cleaning or the water was contaminated, that might also extend the cleaning and drying time. 

If your home was built before 1985, our team must test for asbestos before opening any walls to remove damaged material and dry things out. Asbestos testing can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. If the test comes back negative, then our team can get to work right away. If your home does have asbestos, then we need to use a special asbestos abatement process, which will add time to the restoration project.